Have some Questions?
We're always happy to help.
We personally answer each and EVERY email from our customers & clients. Feel
free to look at testimonials from our clients.
Have a question on rates, prices or availability? We are ready to help.
Star69 is there to find the right calling product for your needs.
Please send your questions here to
Our mission is to help everyone get the best value.
All emails are generally responded to
Mon-Fri, between the hours of 11:00am. to 6:00pm. PST.
Our goal is to answer all e-mails within 24 hours.
Typically, if the question is sent during the day, we will respond within 2 hours.
Current Clients
Our Technical support handles questions regarding billing on long
distance and phonecard products,
tracking shipment of products ordered, and assisting clients find the most value from the
Please send your questions here to
Please be as specific as possible about the product or plan description you are speaking
As we currently advertise over 400 products and plans.
All emails are generally responded to Mon-Fri, between
the hours of 11:00am. to 6:00pm. PST.
Our goal is to answer all e-mails within 24 hours.
Typically, if the question is sent during the day, we will respond within 2 hours.
STAR69.NET assists our advertisers in
answering questions. All advertised products and plans are purchased via a link to the
respective company website
Most of the information requested from our clients needs to be researched so
there may be a delay as we are waiting for a response from our product advertiser
If further information is needed, we will arrange a time for you to call us |